HONORING THE ELOQUENCE OF EACH VOICEVerandah developed a practice to create, preserve, and share personal literature with those who need a writing partner. She listens, probes, and records the told poetry or shared narrative of a diverse community. Verandah has created these collaborative writing projects in literacy and crisis centers, hospitals, factories, nursing homes, senior centers, a 200-year-old Vermont tavern, and an urban working-class neighborhood. HIRE A POET AS A GUIDING SCRIBE• CELEBRATE YOUR COMMUNITY • CREATE A COMMUNITY AT A CONFERENCE OR GATHERING Communities in Vermont can apply to the Vermont Arts Council for
matching funds. Arts and Healing projects in New Hampshire may apply to the New Hampshire State Arts Council Comments from a Vermont Arts Council panel reviewing Verandah's work: "She puts this light onto each person, with so much appreciation and honor. Now you see that everyone is extraordinary." "...the interview situation melts away, people start talking to her from the heart." "Verandah sees our living, breathing communities and people as American masterpieces." "She's 'no fail'. You put her anywhere and she works." –Greg Sharrow, Vermont Folklife Center |